Please find below a number of the most common Solar PV questions we are asked. If you need any further information please get in contact or try here –

What are Feed-In Tariffs?

In the Energy Act 2008 the Government introduced a system of Feed In Tariffs (FiTs) to encourage people to install small-scale renewable energy systems with a capacity of less than five megawatts (mW). The Government has committed to pay the tariff for 25 years for solar photovoltaic (PV) installations. These are no longer available but if you have moved into a house that has previously had the FIT system we can help you sign the tariff over to yourself.

What is the Government’s current policy?
Though FIT doesn’t exist anymore, the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) has replaced it. The UK has signed up to the EU Renewable Energy Directive and committed to producing at least 15% of energy from renewable sources by 2020. We still have some way to go, compared with some of our European neighbours. Encouraging people to install solar panels is one way the Government can meet this ambitious target.
 The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) was created in October 2008, to co-ordinate energy and climate change policy. These were previous covered by two separate Government departments.
What about the carbon footprint of the panels themselves?
Technology is continually advancing in this area. On average, after 3 years the carbon footprint created by producing the panels has been neutralised by the energy savings you make from the installed system.
What happens if I move home?
Ownership of the technology is linked to the site and, therefore, in the case where a building or homeownership changes, the ownership of the technology would also transfer to the new owner, potentially adding value to the property. If you still have questions and want further, impartial advice, we recommend going to the Energy Saving Trust website.